Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Mysteriousness and sweat.

Our air conditioning broke. I know there are plenty of people in the world without air conditioning. I know they live quite comfortably and well without, but I cannot. For two days, there was a fan blowing in the living room, and I barely slept. I couldn't sleep without my window open, but directly across the street is a school, a school that they're putting an addition on to! Yesterday, after the air conditioning was fixed, I managed a very strange 11am-8pm slumber. Hence the 6am blogging.

Of course, all that fan blowing meant I didn't get much done on the mystery stole, because the chart kept blowing away, but here's where I am.


Just finished chart A without a single error, and swelled with pride, I moved on to chart B. And I messed up one row big time. I tried to rip back, and I can never tink lace. So my stitch count was off. I forged on though, hoping it won't look too bad. It took two chart rows before my stitch count was back on target, but I am a little discouraged. Kitty, however, doesn't care.


Though she did join me on the table for the picture taking extravaganza. Unblocked lace, ironically, looks a lot like cat barf.

So, to combat that, I decided to make a cute little slouchy hat, specifically Le Slouch by Wendy Bernard. I started it thinking it would carry me through a 7pm screening of Order of the Phoenix later tonight, but, four hours after casting on...


I had myself a hat.


The cutest little hat I ever did make! I originally saw it in some dark purple Cotton Fleece I know I have somewhere, but I couldn't find it, so I opted for some Manos Del Uruguay I've had for at least three years. It was to be a felted purse, but I frogged it, having no use for a felted purse.


The pattern calls for 200 yards of a worsted weight, but I only had 135, so instead of knitting plain for six inches, I did five. I could have gone to six though. I have a not-so-tiny ball of yarn left that may or may not become some kind of embellishment. I also modified the decrease a bit for a typical beret point. The best part is that I can tuck all my hair up underneath, and it stays put!


I say all my hair, but I don't have a lot. I'm used to having much less, so when it gets to a certain length, specifically this one, just above my shoulders, I get annoyed and wear it up or in a cotton snood most of the time. I am trying to grow it out though. For reals. But I love my hat.


I love. my hat.


Blogger Sandra said...

ick. no air conditioning. ick. Glad you got it fixed. Strangely enough, we don't have ac at the cottage, and I love hot days up there. THere always seems to be enough of a breeze. Love the hat! I'm not sure when I will see the Potter movie - I'm more a fan of the books (have it ordered, and have my new bookmark made and ready! - go check it out).
Are you ever coming to a Guild meeting? I have some fabulous speakers coming...

8:54 AM  

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