Monday, September 24, 2007


Remember how everyone in the world was stalled with their projects over the summer? Well, it's my turn. I have project ADD, I have startitis, I've hit various black holes and I just plain don't want to do anything.

Usually, I crochet when this happens. I can slap together a crochet project in no time flat, provided it's small and interesting. But even crochet isn't helping; I started another Secret Method hat but I don't even feel like doing that. It's boring, the yarn doesn't want to do it, what do I need another hat for anyway? Arg.

What do you do when you're in a funk? For the time being, I'm concentrating on spinning and cooking. Fall is generally my busiest baking time but the oven is still out of commission, which annoys me to no end. I finally get good instruction for a sour dough starter and I won't have anywhere to bake the actual bread!

Oh, and good news! While I was away, I won the August gift certificate drawing at Unwind! What fate! I don't go in there much anymore because I'm not in Newmarket and they don't have the greatest hours, but it's really one of my favourite shops. As a young knitter who is often, unfortunately, treated like a novice everywhere I go, it's nice to talk to a young shop owner who doesn't assume the sock yarn I'm buying is for my first pair of socks. I can't even tell you how many times I get that one. They've also got a spinning group that I have to remember to ask about when I go in for my spending of the gift certificate.

Maybe having free reign to get $25 of whatever I want with no project in mind will spark some creativity? I hope so.

And I'm going to try my damndest to get over to Pick Up Sticks brick and mortar store in Bradford over the next week; the bus makes it really simple, even easier than getting to most in-town yarn stores. I know it's kind of selfish, but I do wish more yarn store owners would consider those of us who don't drive when choosing their locations. It would take an hour and a half to take the bus to Serenity Knits when it's a ten minute drive. I'd walk, but there aren't sidewalks along most of my route.

Maybe I should get a bike. Also, a job.


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